Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Let the transformation begin

What do I know about Shakespeare? My initial inclination towards that question is to list all of the works I’ve read, plays I’ve seen, rumors I’ve heard, and movies I’ve watched with spin off plots. And I guess it really couldn’t hurt to share that.
As an ambitious fourth grader, I decided to do a book report on Romeo and Juliet. Of course I didn’t actually know anything about Shakespeare, and simply chose the play because I liked the picture on the book cover. After attempting to read the first page I was horrified, and the only reason I finished it was because my dad selflessly took it upon himself to read it with me (at a painstakingly slow pace) and relay Shakespearian language to the best of his ability. I don’t remember how the book report turned out, but I’m sure it was awesome.
Shortly after, I too played the part of Hermia in the 6th grade class’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. At that point I still knew nothing about Shakespeare, except that he could accommodate fairies and donkeys and lovers in the same plot. Unfortunately this was overshadowed by my 12-year-old vanity at how cool I looked dressed up in a toga.
 To delve into more significant experiences, I’ve been an avid attendant of the Idaho Shakespeare Festival’s productions, seeing everything from Taming of the Shrew to creative compilations of his complete works. I’ve also encountered his plays and poetry in several other literature classes, but feel as though I’ve merely glimpsed at the genius and history and irony that is this man’s work.
Of course, aside from delineating what I ‘know’ about Shakespeare, I’ve had enough Sexson lectures to understand that I am probably much more familiar with Shakespeare than I realize, and that the sphere of Shakespeare exists to far greater depths than I am able to imagine at this stage.  So with that I guess I’ll just say that I’m hooked! That glorifying yet burdensome feeling of knowing everything that you get from the conclusion of one of Dr. Sexson’s courses has already dissipated at the onset of another.

1 comment:

  1. A Shelby Blog! A Shelby Blog! What a long dry spell it has been. And now once again, I get to revel in the insights and intelligence of my progeny. I take all the credit...after all, I did read every painful word of Romeo and Juliet
